Sunday, June 26, 2011

Improve your Alexa ranking with the Alexa Blog Hop

Welcome to Alexa Blog Hop. This hop is hosted by Spearmint Baby and co-hosted by Ourfamilyworld, Kelly Lucky You and Scraps of Life. Improve your ranking with this Alexa Hop. Why is it important to improve your Alexa Ranking?
 Improve your Alexa ranking with the Alexa Blog Hop: 06/23
Having a good Alexa ranking (The lower score on Alexa, the better) improves your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and attracts sponsors. Alexa ranking is based on visits and pageviwes. Alexa counts the visits to your blog/site through their toolbar. So, if your visitor does not have a toolbar, it will not count. You can download their toolbar for free. The Alexa Toolbar will allow you to keep track of your daily traffic rank- which will give you an idea of how your blogging efforts are paying off.
If you’ve been participating to Alexa Hop the past few weeks, you have probably seen a significant improvement in your Alexa Ranking. If you are a new blogger, improve your ranking and gain new blogging friends (GFC). Our ranking has been improving since I took part of this hop!!
YOU NEED TO INSTALL THE TOOLBAR. IT IS FREE AND TAKES FEW SECONDS. There are toolbars available for Chrome, Explorer and Firefox.

  1. Download Alexa Toolbar
  2. Follow any blogs that interest you.
  3. Be sure to leave a friendly comment on their blog letting them know that you are a new follower so they can follow back. If you are already a follower, leave them a comment so they can visit you back with their toolbar!!
  4. Feel free to grab the Spearmint Baby Blog Hop Banner and post on your own blog. The more people know about it, the better!!
  5. If you haven’t done an Alexa review on the blog yet, write one! Look for an Alexa Review button, like the one near the top of my middle sidebar.
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  7. Please note that this hop is open all week so you have plenty of time to visit.
we have a 3 cohosts this week: Kelly’s Lucky YouSpearmint Baby & Scraps of Life Be sure to follow them as well.
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 Improve your Alexa ranking with the Alexa Blog Hop: 06/23



  1. following you back thanks for stopping by

  2. Thanks for hopping by and visiting!
    I'm now following you on Twitter @StyleDecor.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Thank you for stopping by my blog am now your newest follower,looking forward in being part of your beautiful blog.

  4. Thanks so much for stopping by. Your blog is lovely and extremely informative! Keep up the great work.

    Jaime & Kristin

  5. now following back, thanks for the follow:)
